Color Change/Color Correction Form

For an estimate on your Color Correction or Color Change service, take pictures for us to get an idea of what color and condition your hair is currently in. Take images of the front, top, back, and sides as show in the example below. For best results, take pictures outside in a well lit area but not in direct sunlight. You should also include an inspirational image; this would be an example of what you would like your hair to look like. Tell us what it is about your inspirational image you like. Pictures can be uploaded directly to this form.

For any additional questions, please reach out to Sadie.

Here is an example of the front, top, back, and side photos we are hoping to receive (again, please make sure these are taken outside in a well lit area – but not direct sunlight).

Here is an example of a Hair Color Inspirational Photo.

Color Change/Color Correction

  • Please upload your front, top, back, and side photos here!
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 4 MB.
    • Please upload your Inspirational Color Photo here!
      Drop files here or
      Max. file size: 4 MB.
      • What color line and hair color products are on your hair? Please list all products you currently use on your hair.
      • Do you currently have Henna on your hair?
      • Have you had any allergies in the past from any hair care or hair color products? If so, please list.
      • Do you have any additional information you would like us to know about?